Online Recruitment
Post-Covid, globally the industry has experienced a shortage of many skills - from pilots, to engineers, to ground staff, and more...

Recruit the right staff
Rank applicants attributes to your desired requirements

Specify your required attributes per position. 
Example 1: Pilot
Total hours, turbine time, license type, highest qualification, etc.
Example 2: Passenger Handling Agent
Highest qualification, languages spoken and proficiency, systems proficiency (Amadeus, World Baggage Tracer), etc.

Recruitment process
Customize the recruitment process steps per position. 
Example 1: Pilot

Application with mini test, Technical Exam, Interview, Checks, Psychometrics, Sim check
Example 2: 
Passenger Handling Agent

Application with mini test, Customer Services exam, Screening interview, Interview, Checks

Identify most suited applicants
System automatically builds a list of the best suited applicants...the applicants that match your required attributes are always at the top of the list.
System uses an algorithm to calculate the applicants score versus your specified attributes.

This calculation can be specific to each position. 
Applies to each step of the recruitment process.

Do it all online
Manage the entire recruitment process online, from application to employment


Each and every step of the recruitment process is performed online from the Application to the Exams, Interviews, Sim checks, etc.
Each step of the process is scored/calculated.

Some steps in the process may be assigned a score but are not pass/fail but rather assigned suitable/not suitable, for example the psychometric test results.
Applicant/candidate is kept informed of progress, whether successful or not, electronically.

Can consist of one interviewer, or a panel of interviewers.
Online interviews catered for.
Ideally, grading guidelines should be provided (which are visible to the interviewers) to ensure consistency across the organization and throughout the network. 

As with all our modules/systems the data is always available for audit, be that by internal or external parties.

V1 Software provides a consultancy service to our clients, where requested:
  • Analyse attrition rates,
  • Analyse exit interviews,
  • Identify critical attributes,
  • Identify desired attributes,
  • Tap into institutional knowledge,
  • Formulate algorithms, and
  • Formulate process steps, per position.

Real world benefits
Apart from hiring staff that better suit your operation, time and money is saved

Savings - time and money
No need to manually go through resumes - major time saving.
No more 'wasted' interviews.
System can notify applicants electronically of status, or they can see their progress on the system.
Reduced attrition.
Improved internal training results.

System automatically generates a pipeline of applicants.
Applicants ranked according to your required attributes.
Pipeline graphically displayed with each stage of recruitment process visible, per position.
Adjust algorithm to improve or constrain the pipeline.

Real World Examples:
Regional Airline
Experienced a high pilot attrition rate - 35%.
Analyzed data and formulated pilot recruitment process.
Implemented online pilot program beginning of 2017.
Reduced attrition to 8% by the time Covid lockdowns commenced.

Passenger Handling Agents (Full-service Airline)
Experiencing high (+-50%) internal systems training failure rate (Amadeus, CM, World Baggage Tracer, etc.) post-Covid
Formulated and implemented online PHA recruitment process in consultation with Ground Management, throughout their network.
PHA pass rate now very, very close to 100% with a lot less customer complaints and increased compliments.