Customize your training to your requirements

e-Learning made easy

Create your own courses/modules
Create courses that meet your specific requirements.
No programming or development required.
Knowledge Matter Experts (KME) or Admin can create courses on the system.
Easy updating of course content.
Use existing classroom content, if required.

Use for both regulated and unregulated courses.

Part 141 compliant
Formative tests, if required.
Summative exams with randomized questions and answers.
Remediate to 100%.

Moderation functionality with KME.
Self/Home and Invigilated exams.

Data retention.

No fast forwarding.
User interaction limits.

Automatic functionality
Audio playback assistance, if user requires.
Course/Module revision control.
Course/Module time calculation, including page time calculation, depending on reading time assigned.
Formative and Summative Exam marking, with remediation and moderation.

Auto-notify KMEs when remediation or moderation required.
Certificate generation.
Course/Module bookings with venue management.


Return on Investment
An operator calculated that their investment in our e-Learning system was recouped in less than 6 months.

Think of the reduction in Instructors required, travel S&T, reduction in external training costs, etc.
On demand availability.
The e-Learning system can be rolled out to all offices and stations and can be accessed by Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere across your network.
Drastic reduction in demand on Instructors.

Manage the Training Process Easily
Manage expiries at the click of a button, including TEAMs assessments and or any uploaded documents such as passports, medicals, etc.
Track any students progress anywhere, anytime.

Track remediations and moderations every time to log onto the system.

e-Learning fast facts
53% of remote employees who haven't received training in the last 12 months say they want soft skills training.
66% of remote employees categorize themselves as visual learners.
76% of remote employees that have received soft skills training say they have no plans to leave their employer.
(Source: TalentLMS Remote Work Survey)

Pros and Cons of e-Learning

Is e-Learning the best learning/training methodology?
Remote learning has become entrenched as a learning or training methodology post-COVID.
e-Learning is one of the easiest ways to impart education to staff, be those new skills and knowledge or refresher (recurrent) training.
As with most teaching methods, e-learning also has its positives and negatives. 

Understanding these will help in creating strategies for more efficient delivery of the lessons and measuring its effectiveness.

Less absenteeism.
Flexibility for student, learn at own pace.

Increased access and reach.
Encourages the shy.

Not appropriate for all.
Focus deficit.
Technology issues.
Lack of social interaction.
Not a 'catch-all' learning methodology.

Training outcome
Ultimately, the quality of the training outcomes is what really matters. 
It is the operator's responsibility to use e-Learning to its full potential to ensure effective training outcomes, by updating courses regularly, creating interesting content, etc.